Two world-famous casino systems are the martingale strategy, named after the mathematician martin gale, and the card-counting strategy used in blackjack. Over the years, both systems have had a lot of famous players who managed to collect big profits with the help of their system. The martingale system involves playing roulette and always betting on color. The system is actually quite simple, you start by betting a penny on one color and if you win, you start over with the other color. If you lose, you simply double your bet until you win.

This system increases the chances of winning drastically, but it is still a theoretical system based on a mathematical formula that is not 100% because the ball can also theoretically stop on black 1000 times in a row. If you forget this, it is easy to believe that there is a 49% chance of winning when you play on a suit. With all online casinos, we also have the problem that we limit with a maximum bet, which means that in some cases we cannot double.
Card counting, on the other hand, which is a legal form of casino cheating but which casinos still ban their players for, is a way to increase their chances of winning in the game blackjack. Card counting is not about being a math genius but simply knowing the formula. One is where you keep track of the most important cards such as jacks and aces with which we can get blackjack. If the dealer has 8 decks, we know there are 24 jacks and 24 aces and can see after a while that if 20 jacks have been placed on the table, there are only 4 left in the decks.
Another tactic is where the cards have 3 kinds of value. One is neutral where nothing happens if such a card appears, one is -1 where you take away a point and one is where you +1. This method assumes that if you get a card that is valued +1, you bet the minimum. If you get 2 of these in a row, you double the bet. If you get three, you triple the bet, etc. Unfortunately, this method does not work online either, because online casinos use so-called continuous shuffling, where you constantly shuffle all unused cards. However, you can use game tables that increase the chances of winning in blackjack.