Most of us probably think of using a system to win as much money as possible. The alternative to using a system is to go with your gut every time you play. There are many movies and other sources of inspiration for making that successful bet when you put everything on a number (or suit) on the roulette table. However, i think most people realize that this is not what reality looks like. That kind of risk-taking will probably only lead to big losses.

So we come back to using a system to win money. But. A system can never guarantee that you will win any money. There are two things you can get out of a system. Partly not to let one’s emotions rule at a crucial stage when the game is going on, but most importantly. Making sure you lose as little money as possible. A good casino system can therefore not ensure that you win money, but that your losses are as small as possible.
How do the systems work?
Now that we have established that you need a system to minimize your losses, what systems are there to choose from? There are lots of systems, but here i wanted to compare two systems that are based on maximizing profit versus minimizing loss. We compare martingale and anti-martingale systems.
The anti-martingale system is the opposite of the very popular martingale system. But, where the martingales system is based on you winning as much as possible, anti-martingales is reasonably enough based on the opposite. That you should lose as little as possible. For this system, a fairly high starting bet is required, and there is also a risk of reaching the bet ceiling at the roulette table. This system is based on the fact that profits and losses even out over time. The system is sometimes also called the pyramid system.
The big advantage, regardless of which system you choose, is that you have a well-thought-out strategy to follow, instead of going on the spur of the moment. Then the question is, greater chance of profit or less risk of loss. You will find an exciting and fast-paced game, which is easy to play and easy to understand. Dating back to the 18th century, perhaps even longer, this game has survived for centuries, and will continue to maintain its popularity for a long time to come.