To win a daily jackpot, you simply need to succeed in activating it in the relevant game before the timer runs out. This therefore starts daily at 00:01 and expires at 00:00. Before that, one player per day has the chance to win the jackpot in one of the games that contain daily jackpots. Exactly how this is done in the various games is of course something that varies from game to game, just as is the case with other types of jackpot functions.

Can you play with bonuses on these games?
It is somewhat unclear if it is possible to play with casino bonus money on games that offer daily jackpots. As far as we know, this is precisely not possible. However, we cannot guarantee that this is the case, but instead advise you to check exactly what applies with the casino you are a customer of if it is the case that it offers slot games with daily jackpots.
Disadvantages of daily jackpots
When you play slot games with jackpots, you of course want them to be able to result in as large wins as possible. This is unfortunately one of the disadvantages when it comes to red tiger gaming’s slot games with daily jackpots. Since these are daily jackpots, these generally result in significantly smaller sums than many other types of jackpots can make.
If it had been a question of larger sums, it would not have been sustainable because the casinos that include these games as part of their game selection would then have had to give away enormous sums of money. It had therefore not become possible for these operators to include slot games with daily jackpots in their game selection. Therefore, do not have too high hopes for the winnings that slot games with daily jackpots can result in.
Instead, we recommend that you primarily see them as a type of entertainment rather than a way to make money. It is therefore precisely for entertainment purposes that red tiger gaming has created these slot games. Of course, it is also a way for them to stand out from the crowd, something they have been praised for, among other things! Something that doesn’t really have anything to do with slots in the game itself, but is relevant, are the free spins that casinos hand out to new customers. These can occur in two different forms which are like cash spin and free spin.